Lewis & Harris Foundation Corporate Policies

                    Article of Incorporation Amendments

                                   Corporate Policies


The name of the Corporation shall be Lewis & Harris Foundation.

Article of Incorporation of the undersigned, a majority of whom are citizens of the United States, desiring to form a not-for-profit Corporation under the not-for-profit Corporation law of Oklahoma, do thereby certify;





Said Corporation is organized exclusively for charity, educational, business, public relations (not to include political relation), employment and scientific purposes, including for such purposes the making of distribution to organization that qualify as exempt organization under Federal,State or Local government.

No part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in article hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) and political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

 Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for the public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names this 15th day of June 2004,

Lewis & Harris Foundation is the Governing Corporation of:

M. Harris Management Authority

COERT (Central Oklahoma Emergency Response Teams)

NERT (National Emergency Response Teams)

 Corporate Policies






Lewis & Harris Foundation Corporation policies are subject to change with or without verbal/written notice to employees, client.

Any funds owned by Lewis&Harris Foundation cannot be transacted out of Lewis&Harris Foundation account and/or accounts without the expressed written and signed documentation of CEO (W. Matthew Harris Sr.). These funds are to be used to better Lewis&Harris Foundation, its subsidiaries, CDC (Community Development Corporation) and/or its clients/grantors and additional programs set in policy.

For the purpose of continuous improvements and growth of Lewis&Harris Foundation, its subsidiaries and clients/grantors, Lewis&Harris Foundation may and will operate in one or more locations within the United States.

These policies will continuously be under construction due to expanding and additional policies needed to meet our clients’/grantors needs.

 (Section 1) Services Policies

Services Policies

For the purpose of relieving stress off of the local, county, state and/or federal governments, Lewis&Harris Foundation will consistently thrive to create, promote and establish business, real estate, and employment.

Lewis & Harris Foundation will create programs for grant funding towards higher education of students of all ages and ethnic backgrounds within the idea of a degree programs.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will assist in furthering education and training to help employee senior citizens age 60 and over.

Lewis &Harris Foundation will assist individuals and families of domestic violence with or without children for the purpose of prevention of domestic violence.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will create, promote and establish individual and/or group programs for children and adults with severe behavior problems. The purpose of this program is to incorporate counseling to these individuals for the proposed idea of correcting these severe behavior problems within research.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will dedicate its public charity and facilities to advance programs for the prevention, education and its behaviors of alcoholism and how it relates to individuals and/or families and the environment for the prevention of alcoholism abuse and research.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will assist individuals and/or families with children with disabilities (including obesity), child abuse, and children born with alcoholism and drug addictions. Lewis&Harris Foundation will assist in all preventions and plan programs in furthering individuals and/or family education in all areas.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will assist in the process of rehabilitation of individuals who may receive benefits from SSA/SSDI/SSI, for the purpose will be to provide legal assistance of progression into vocational rehabilitation and education for future employment. The purpose is also to provide other services that beneficiaries with a disability may need to secure, maintain, or regain gainful employment.

Lewis&Harris Foundation reserve the right to deny any and/or all services to an individual and/or family within respect of Foundation Policies.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will occupy and control up to but not limited to five divisions and as designated by the said Corporation to better serve our grantors and clients.

Lewis&Harris will stay within the consistency of serving the poverty and low income society free of fee for services from clients.

Lewis&Harris will provide grants to individuals, families, and/or business' for the promotion of employment, CD (Community Development), educational, religious, other foundations, community functions as they may pertain to foundation policies.

Lewis & Harris Foundation will create and promote 

Foundation will address issues, such as protecting and promoting the broad constitutional rights and civil liberties of individuals and those suffering from neglect, abuse, or exploitation; promoting the interests of specific groups, such as children, women, senior citizens, or persons with disabilities; improving relations between racial, ethnic, and cultural groups; and promoting voters education and registration. Human Rights groups included but not limited to the following:

Retired persons

Civil liberties

Development disabled

Physical and mental handicapped

Veterans' rights

General human rights

Lewis &Harris Foundation will create programssuch as peace and international understanding, community action, advancing social causes, firearms safety, drunken driving prevention, drug abuse awareness, antipoverty prevention, gun control, neighborhood development, social services, tenant’s rights and association.

programs based on the idea of sponsoring convicted felons of there positive transition into there respected communities. Programs are specifically designed to enhance there success rate both socially and economically. These individuals must follow there respective programs and adhere to the federal, state and local laws including but not limited to probation and parole boards and/or officers without limitations. Specifically designed programs for sex offenders are included and strictly monitored.
The place in this state where the principal office of the Corporation is to be located is the city of:



Lewis&Harris Foundation will establish emergency disaster relief organizations primarily engaging in the following;

First responders

Storm spotters

Disaster relief services

Emergency Relief Services

National Emergency Relief Services

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in providing instructional services that support educational process such as guidance counseling services, student exchange services and education consultants, college selection services.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in promoting the business interests of their members and outside business entities. Will conduct research on new products and services, develop market statistics, sponsor quality certification standards, publish newsletters, books and/or periodicals for distribution for business, construction, contractors, farmers, industrial, manufacturers', real estate, services, warehouse and wholesalers associations.

 Lewis&Harris Foundation may engage in international affairs and programs relating to nations and people (examples), economic development assistance, foreign economics and social development services, international monetary, economic Cooperation and development services.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in conducting research and experimental development in the physical, engineering and life sciences such as, agriculture, electronics, environmental, computers, forestry, mathematics, biology and other allied services.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in the administration and planning of the development of urban and rural areas. With no limitations

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in administering, overseeing, and managing other establishments of the company or enterprise. Will undertake the strategic or organizational planning and decision-making role of the company or enterprise.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in offering an array of short duration courses and seminars for management and professional development. Training for career development may be provided directly to individuals or through employers' training programs; and courses may be customized or modified to meet the specific needs of customers.


Lewis &Harris Foundation will assist individuals and/or families to successfully receive and education, to achieve successful employment and clean safe residences.


Lewis & Harris Foundation will provide services to individuals and/or families within the following categories:

Poverty/low income

Veterans/disabled veterans

Mental/physical disabilities

Individuals with state/federal felony convictions (not to include sexual convictions)

Individuals 16 years of age with proof of the ability to be employed in the United States

Aliens with legal proof of the right to be employed in the United States.

Individuals inquiring education and/or employment from outside the United States.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in providing operating advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on administration management issues, such as financial planning and budgeting, equity and asset management, records management, office planning, strategic and organization planning, site selection, new business start-up, and business process improvements. In addition to general management consultants that provide a full range of administrative; human resources, physical distribution, and logistics or other management consulting services to clients.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in conducting research and analysis in cognitive development, sociology, psychology, languages, behavior, economic, and other social science and humanities research.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will (1) engage in providing vocational rehabilitation or habilitation services, such as job counseling, job training, and work experience, to unemployed and underemployed persons, persons with disabilities, and persons who have a job market disadvantage because of lack of education, job skills, or experiences and (2) engage in providing training and employment to persons with disabilities (including job training facilities and/or workshops (work experience centers).

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in promoting the operations of fitness and recreational sports facilities featuring exercise and other active physical fitness conditioning or recreational sports activities.

Lewis&Harris Foundation may engage in (1) growing nursery products, nursery stock, shrubbery, bulbs, fruit stock, and so forth, under cover or in open fields and/or (2) growing short rotation woody trees with a growth and harvest cycle of 10 years or less for pulp or tree stock.

 Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in entire construction of new single-family housing, such as single-family detached houses and town houses or row houses where each housing unit (1) is separate from its neighbors by a ground-to-roof wall and (2) has no housing units constructed above or below, including general contractors responsible for the on-site assembly of modular and prefabricated houses. Single family housing designed-build firms and single-family construction management firms acting as general contractors.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will engage in construction (including new work, additions, alteration, maintenance, and repairs) of industrial buildings (except warehouses). The construction of selected additional structures, whose production processes are similar to those for industrial buildings.

Lewis&Harris Foundation will promote facilities, farms and ranches for the purpose of growing crops, raising animals, harvesting fish and other animals.


Lewis&Harris Foundation will create, develop, maintain and monitor programs with strict attention to social sciences and research for the prevention of national and international terrorism while reporting process and (progress) of terrorism to local, county, state and federal governments. Lewis&Harris Foundation will assist our government of the United States in solving these issues directly and effectively. Lewis&Harris Foundation does not and will not promote any and/or all criminal activity of any kind within terrorism. (Program overview available upon request)

Lewis & Harris reserves the right to add and/or with draw policies at our discretion. We reserves the right to continue additional policies with or without written and/or verbal notice.

 Lewis & Harris Foundation, its subsidaries and Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse services to any client of our discression reguardless of reasoning.


Lewis&Harris Foundation and COERT will together create, promote and establish National Emergency Response Teams without restriction of either said Corporation and within restriction of all federal laws to assist the United States in times of natural disasters within our borders.
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